About Us

Our History

Our History

Al-Firdous Islamic Centre was borne out of a community identified need for a place that could be a service hub for all. It is a centre built on grassroots efforts, and with humble beginnings. The goal was to create a centre that could be used for congregational prayers, and community events. Key founders of the organization decided to mobilise the community from intention to action.

Since its inception, the Al-Firdous Islamic Centre has been built on the faith and sweat of its volunteer and donor community. A fund raising event was held at the Lawrence Community Centre in Toronto. Attended by members of the community, funds were raised to acquire a lease for a central location that could be used for the centre.

In May 2016, the lease was signed and soon after in June 2016, in the spirit of community strength, construction began with the help of volunteers. People rallied together and donated their money, time, and skills into making the centre, a reality. Men, women, girls, and boys, worked tirelessly together to transform the space into a beautiful space.

In July 2016, the centre proudly opened its doors to serve the community.

Now in existence for over four years, the Al-Firdous Islamic Centre continues to strive to expand its programs and providing services to the community. We hope that you will be able to take part in one or more of the many exciting events that we will be providing this year and experience firsthand the pride we take in supporting our cause.

Among the various events we hold, we are proud of our community iftars that build a spirit of togetherness, girls leadership programs that build confidence and a strong sense of identity for our girls, and our halaqas that raise our awareness of ourselves, address communal and family issues, and elevate our souls into higher states of spirituality.

In order to meet our mission and provide services in our community, we rely on the generosity of individuals. Without the assistance of community-minded individuals just like you, we wouldn’t be able to reach, achieve,  support and serve those in our community each Day.

We ask that you make a commitment to support Al-Firdous Islamic Centre by fulfilling your pledges. You may also direct deposit on the account, make cash donations or email transfer. We hope that you will be able to make a contribution in any of the ways. Your generosity will make a big difference in our community by allowing us to continue in our all work of pleasing Allah. Remember that every donation makes a difference, regardless of size.
Thank you in advance for your continuous support!

May Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala reward you immensely and build you a house in Jannah.

Transit # 14882
Account # 5231353

Institution # 004
